Monday 13 February 2012

average molecular velocity

The molecular velocity is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass of the particle -- net-net, the lightest particles move fastest -- make sense? Fortunately, since they are all being considered at once, you can estimate without taking the square root: just compare the molecular (or in one case atomic) mass:

H2O = 18.02 g/mole
He = 4.00 g/mole
HCl = 36.46 g/mole
BrF = 98.90 g/mole
NO2 = 46.00 g/mole

So in increasing order, you have BrF < NO2 < HCl < H2O < He

Hope that helped!

Friday 10 February 2012

Some examples about conversions in chemistry

Q :- 
1. How many moles of methanol, CH3OH are there in 6.53x10^23 molecules of methanol?
2. How many formula units of sodium chloride are in 16.0 grams of sodium chloride?
3. How many atoms are in 145.6L of neon gas?
4. How many liters L of gas are there if there are 2.7x10^24 fluorine molecules?
5. There 3x10^24 atoms of hydrogen in a large container. How many molecules of hydrogen are there? How many liters of hydrogen gas?

 1. divide the given number by Avogadro's number to get answer to first one.

2. In 16 grams, the number of formula units are: given wt/mol. wt = 16/58= 0.28 approx.

3. Good question. in 22.4 dm^3, it's one mole, for neon, so divide given volume by 22.4 dm^3 (1dm^3=1 L). Now multiply what you get by Avogadro's Number. This is number of atoms in the given sample.

4. This is pretty interesting. See:
First, divide given number by Avogadro's number then you'll get number of moles. Now for Fluorine, a diatomic element, we need to find what volume corresponds to one mole, so divide the value 22.4 by its valency 2, so its 11.2 litres, now the number of moles you got previously in this problem, go multiply this 11.2 with that number, you'll get the volume.

5. Here 3/2 x 10^24 molecules exist, as hydrogen normally exists in diatomic molecular form. Also, as in earlier problem divide the number of MOLECULES with Avogadro's number and then multiply the result by 11.2. You get the required volume of hydrogen in the container

Friday 3 February 2012

The Phases of Matter

We are all familiar with solids, liquids and gases. Whether a substance is a solid, liquid or gas depends on the potential energy in the atomic forces holding the particles together and the thermal energy of the particle motions. The pressure on the subtance also has an effect on the phase.


Crystaline Solids

Crystaline solids are characterised by a long-range order. The atoms are closely packed on lattice points held in in place by atomic bonds. The internal energy of the atoms is not sufficient to allow the atoms to break away from their lattice positions. Examples of crystaline solids include semiconductors, quartz, salt, etc.

Amorphous Solids

Amorphous Solids are still closely packed together but lack the translational symmetry of crystaline solids. However, even amorphous solids have relatively good spatial ordering, especially over small distances, (10-100 molecules)


As the material is heated, the internal energy is increased and the atoms are no longer tied to their lattice positions but can move relative to each other although the atoms are still closely packed together.


A gas is matter in which the molecules are widely separated, move around freely, and move at high speeds. Examples of solids include the gases we breathe (nitrogen, oxygen, and others), the helium in balloons, and steam (water vapor).


Eventually, given enough heat, the electrons and nucleus become separated and into positively, charged ions and negatively charged electrons. This soup of ions and electrons is known as a plasma

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Sounds Intresting ?

  • The burning sensation we get from chilli peppers is because of a chemical called Capsaicin.
  • Twenty percent of Earth's oxygen is produced by the Amazon forest. 
  • A rubber tire is actually one single giant molecule.
  •  Each time lightning strikes, some Ozone gas is produced, thus strengthening the Ozone Layer in the Earth's atmosphere.
  • Honey does not spoil. 
Hot water freezes faster than cold water
Unlike any other element, helium does not solidify.
Aluminium is the most common metal in the Earth's crust. about 8 %
Graphite can be transformed into diamond by applying a temperature of 3000°C and pressure of 100,000 atm

most expensive substance

The element Californium is often called the most expensive substance in the world (as much as $68 million for one gram.)

Monday 30 January 2012


  • A pure element can take many forms. For example, diamond and graphite both are forms of pure carbon
  • The human body contains enough carbon to provide 'lead'  for about 9,000 pencils.
  • The only two non-silvery metals are gold and copper.
  • The IUPAC name for water, H2O, is dihydrogen monoxide.
  • Although you may consider gold to be rare, there is enough gold in the Earth's crust to cover the land surface of the planet knee-deep.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Year 2011 went good for chemistry!

As Two New Elements Are Discovered and made their place in Periodic table. These new elements are the heaviest elements yet to appear on the periodic table, with atomic masses of 289 and 292 atomic mass units, respectively.

Interesting Chemistry Facts

The only elements that are liquid at room temperature are bromine and mercury. 

Types of Reaction

There are Six main type of reactions 

Combustion :- oxygen combines with another compound to form water and carbon dioxide   
                        These reactions are exothermic, means produces heat 

                                   C10H8 + 12 O2 ---> 10 CO2 + 4 H2O

  Synthesis          :- two or more simple compounds combine to form a more complicated one.
                               8 Fe + S8 ---> 8 FeS

 Decomposition :- opposite of a synthesis reaction - a complex molecule breaks down to 
                                  make simpler ones.

2 H2O ---> 2 H2 + O2

 Single displacement:  :-In this displacement of one atom or group of atom takes place

Mg + 2 H2O ---> Mg(OH)2 + H2

 Double displacement::-In this displacement of two atoms or group of atoms takes place

Pb(NO3)2 + 2 KI ---> PbI2 + 2 KNO3
Acid-base: In This acid reacts with base to produce water 

HBr + NaOH ---> NaBr + H2O


Saturday 28 January 2012

Chemistry Branches and its meaning

Chemistry have 5 main branches they are 

1)  Organic chemistry- the study of carbon and its compounds

2)  Inorganic chemistry-the study of all the properties and characteristics of other elements.

3)  Analytical chemistry-the analysis and identification of substance

4)  Physical chemistry-the study of laws and principles govering physical and chemical changes

5)  Biochemistry-the study of materials found in living organism